Thursday, September 18, 2008

Missing socks...

Captain Kirk where are you?
The search for socks continues...
OK. So it's nothing new... socks going missing. We've all had it happen.
Somewhere between the sock drawer and the laundry a sock goes missing.
But after some extensive and drunken research, experimentation and pondering I may have stumbled upon the answer to this age old question.
First off some basic physics...don't worry it's not that complicated.

The Einstein Tensor helps explain the curvature of time and space... and it this curvature that led me to my hypothesis.

The Einstein Tensor (sort of)
Gij = Rij - ½Rg
*Where Gij is a component of Einstein tensor, Rij is a component of Ricci tensor, R is Ricci scalar and gij is a component of the metric.
Pretty obvious right? Of course it is. But lets add a sock into the mix...

Gij + a sock = a rift in the time space continuum

How is this possible? Where does happen? What does it mean?
Well it is my drunken hypothesis, that because of the curvature in the time space fabric, that there are inevitably loose threads just like any fabric that has a bit stretch in it (check inside the hem of your denim jeans if you doubt this fact).
I believe during the laundry process the loose threads (near where the elastic is) in your sock become entangled with the loose threads of the time space continuum...
And so, a rift is subsequently formed, and your sock disappears, the rift heals and you're none the wiser... until now. So in point form...
  1. The universe has loose threads in its time space fabric
  2. You buy a pair of socks
  3. The socks have little loose threads around the elastic bit
  4. You wear the socks
  5. The socks smell
  6. You wash the socks
  7. Now either during the spin cycle of the washing machine, or in the dryer, the two sets of threads become entangled
  8. With the added kinetic energy of the spin cycle (or the tumbling action in a dryer) a rift in the time space continuum forms
  9. Because you've added fabric softener, the rift is subtle and quick, so quick in fact that only ONE sock can get through before the universe heals itself
  10. You collect your laundry, start folding socks... and BEHOLD one is missing.
Now I should point out that I'm also contemplating an extension (of sorts) to this theory involving parallel universes...
Given socks are in pairs (mostly) and of identical size, mass, and density (mostly) it is possible that they are the perfect design for existing in a parallel universe to our own.
It could very well be that some of our socks are in an almost constant cycle between universes. Swapping back and forth between each other, appearing and disappearing, perpetuating the illusion that we actually "have seen the other one".
However, I am waiting to confer with my counterparts over at the National Institute for Astrophysics and Gloves Research before I categorically state this further extrapolation has any real substance.
What does all this mean?
Well... the next time you are looking for a missing sock... stop!!! Go and grab a beer or a beverage of your choice... find a comfy chair... sit back and relax... and raise your drink to your sock...
...Boldly going where no man has gone before!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Brilliant, Garf! Damn, I miss you!