Friday, February 27, 2009

Gyms... obviously a sadists playground.

There are times when I decide to do things that just aren't in my best interest.

And the other day was most certainly one of those times.

Why the lack of judgement?

Maybe it was because a lot of my friends have been lamenting loudly the approach (or arrival) of 40.

That particular number seems to prompt discussion like no other amongst my peers. And, funnily enough, you don't even have to be 38 or 39 for it to be of concern. Apparently, being anywhere between 32 and 39 are sufficient grounds for exclamations of woe, mutterings of your life being nearly over, and conversations about the best deals on burial plots...

But (to me as an observer) the most fascinating symptom befalling my friends approaching 40 is the sudden onset of an irrational desire to obtain a gym membership.

Gyms. Health clubs. Sports centres. Bio-mechanical Improvement and Conditioning Facilities... Torture chambers... Call them what you will.

They have just never appealed to me.

However, in the interest of better understanding my friends' newly found psychosis, I actually ventured into a gym yesterday. An experience which will now never be repeated.

I think the first thing that struck me about the gym was the front door. Sure, it LOOKED like your normally available, commercially designed, double entry, push or pull to enter, plate glass door.... But it weighed tonnes.

Now it is my considered opinion that the design of these doors is specifically aimed at doing four things.

One: To embarrass the new client, purely for the pure amusement of staff and the regular fitness freaks.

How? By tricking 'first-timers' into mistakenly believe that a normal amount of force, tried and tested through everyday living and experiences, exerted upon doors dimensioned to a familiar standard, will actually gain a person entry into the establishment. Fat chance!!! (No pun intended)

Instead, you are instantly required to participate in some sort of 'quasi-Viking strong man contest' just to gain entry. Making the unsuspecting first-time patron groan out loud repeatedly like a wounded bull, and contort their face in ways that Jerry Lewis or Jim Carrey would be proud of. Ensuring that every other person within the premises pauses their current activity, and turns their curious gaze in your direction.

...Your level of dignity has been bruised!

And once you're lucky enough to finally make your way through the 'gates of Troy', what is your reward?

To be given the honour of being able to lurch your way over to the front desk/sign-in/reception area, sweat-ridden, red-faced, winded, and wondering if your bowels are still intact...

Only to be then greeted by 'that look'... Do you know the one? Sure, you do...

It is that unforgettable expression that is a blend of polite understanding and amusement, coupled with that sublime mixture of mockery and pity. Aimed at you with unerring accuracy, by a modern day Adonis if you're female, or Aphrodite if you're male.

Of course, with their clipboard and pen at hand!

...Your dignity is getting pounded!

Two: To make our bodies become so oxygen deprived, and so laden with lactic acid from the effort of moving 35 tonnes of glass front-door, that we become so delirious that we will sign anything, and consume without complaint, simply to quench out thirst, some strange health cocktail of blended lawn clippings and fish sweat. Available at the ever so 'reasonable' price of $12.99 a glass. Apparently, the only style of drink for sale.

I suggest to you, that this is the only real reason people really take bottled water to these establishments. Sidenote: I also suspect that the owners of these torture chambers are the major stock holders in these bottled water companies.

...Your dignity is as fragile as a mouse in a nest of vipers!

Three: To prevent you from leaving post-hate*.Once adequate oxygenated blood has returned to your brain, optic nerves, and eyes there is a sudden realisation that everyone else in the building is 6ft tall, with rippling stomach muscles, dazzling white teeth, bronzed skin and perfect hair. With not a drop of sweat between them.

It is impossible to avoid seeing the throng of perfect human specimens.

With mirrors that have been placed with militaristic precision, the unfit newcomer finds themself trapped in a kaleidoscope of living Greek statues.

*Of course the thought to leave is only possible once you've recovered from your drink of 'pure mountain spring water, collected by vestal virgins, under a midsummer moon, infused with pond scum from the upper Amazon'.

...Your dignity has now panicked beyond recognition and wants out, any way possible, dragging your body with it.

Four: It is at this point you are faced with a horrible decision. Struggle once more with the 'front doors from hell', or use the ever-so-easy-to-open emergency exit at the rear of the building?

The choice is made.

You stagger your way over to the front desk.

Take the clipboard from the Adonis/Aphrodite.

Fill in the membership form, choosing the least expensive option.

Realise why gyms show such great profit margins.

Hand over your identification, proof of address, credit card; wait for all that to be returned.

Place everything back in your wallet or purse.

Sneak, and limp, sneak, and limp, your way to the emergency door, and exit, never to return.

And throw your new gym membership card in the first garbage bin you can find.

...Your dignity begins its slow rebuilding phase. Helped along by a quick visit to pub, where you drink 5 beers, and eat a steak sandwich, with chips and gravy on the side. Before heading home, feeling much better about yourself!


And that is why I will never take up another gym membership in my life!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Paul loves big, long, sharp, metal things...

At the request of Paul... I've posted this on my blog (obviously, i mean you can see it here)...
Hmmm... I hope he is pleased with my speedy response.

Friday, February 6, 2009

My mate Bel found this in her undying exploration of the web (thanks Bel), not sure where... but I'll take a box full please... :)

Sunday, February 1, 2009

My own 25 random thoughts...

1. I once got my head stuck in a small washing machine, trying to reach for a hotdog

2. I am well known for falling asleep in strange places in an upright position. Just free standing. Eg, i once slept for two hours in an elevator, just riding it up and down as people called it to the various floors. The were apparently too polite to wake me.

3. I do think Samantha Haine Jensen has an accent. (Sorry Sam, but you do)

4. I think Pink Floyd, Bob Dillon, Elvis and the Beatles are all overrated

5. I believe baseball is cricket "the childs version"

6. Coffee in the evening is good, coffee at lunch is a luxury, but coffee in the morning is a must.

7. I have few goals in life of any note, but I'd love to arm wrestle Clint Eastwood

8. I think Yoda would kick Gandalf's butt in a fight

9. I love playing the digeridoo

10. I am currently learning to impersonate Michael Caine

11. I prefer walking to driving so I need to move closer to the shops

12. I strongly believe there are pots, pans and SAUCEPANS, not just pots and pans

13. I've been bitten 6 times by snakes, 3 times by spiders, never by a dog, and hope Angelina Jolie will one day give me a nibble

14. I cannot understand America

15. I'm patriotic, believe Australia is the best country on earth, although it does have its faults... it's too close to New Zealand.

16. I like cooking, washing up and vacuuming... seriously, I find them relaxing.

17. I have a nickname from my childhood that my family use, but none of you will EVER know

18. I don't like M&M's

19. I made a motorised BBQ for ease of moving it around my Mum's/Mom's yard. It's a big yard!

20. I have worn a suit only 3 times in my life, and hope to keep it that way

21. I can never find Wally

22. I have often been described as the most confident under achiever someone has ever met

23. I have loved, I have lost, I have found love again... and that's just looking for my beer at a party

24. I cannot go more than 30mins, even in the most serious of discussions, without finding some reason to laugh

25. I can't count past 25, so this list is just perfect for me

25 Random thoughts (plus a few more) from my mate Paul...

I Believe God created The British Isles for one Purpose only, To be a home to the English. So we can annoy everyone in Europe but not be part of Europe !

I know most people believe Black is my favorite colour, Its not ! But it will have to do until they can find a darker colour.

I don't smile much, I obviously have nothing to smile about.

I think God also gave the world Prune's as an apology to the over 60's

I know we colonised Australia for some other purpose but believe this was lie fabricated by the goverment. It was really colonised for English, Scotts
and Welsh people with a sense of humour to go and live and not disrupt the well ordered rule of the Filthy Rich. Who then mostly sent their second sons off
to New Zealand.

I to,like Garf. Also prefer walking to driving. Probably because i never took a driving test or have a license

I think behind every great invention stands an Englishman, Scottsman or Welshman ! Sorry mobile BBQ's don't count Garf

I have a 2 Inch scar across one finger where i didn't pay attention and put a chisel across the finger. F**k it looks cool !

I always thought M&M's where the dislexic's version of S&M ?

I want to know if the (UK) BBC Radio 2 news reader called Finella Fudge's name is real or is someone taking the piss ?

I have Welsh, German, Irish as well as English blood flowing through my veins. If you don't believe me i will post a video of my 3rd cousin
Shaun playing cricket in his lederhosen drinking his Guinness! But only if you ask nicely.

I can be very Tactless at times. But i am very honest. So if ladies, you have an arse like a Toffee Apple with 2 sticks. Don't ask me if you
bum looks big in that dress as i will give the most honest answer i can give !

I reckon Bruce Dickinson (Iron Maiden) is the the cleverest man in the Rock Metal music industry. Made loads of records written a couple of books
even flys his own jet airliner. He was also a world class Fencer ! He holds the world record for surrounding 250 sheep with a 4ft high fence in 3 hrs 15 seconds.
(Ok i lied about the last bit)

I Believe Europe is over there, not here !

I went to school with every intention of Eventually leaving and becoming an upstanding pillar of the local community.

I think to much, Do to Little, The fact i'm typing this proves my point.

I think we should start more Penal Colonies, they work ! Look at Australia

I wonder do cows think 'Those Humans are sick. They drink the milk i produce for my kiddies !'

I want to be a Vampire. We all aspire to something. Whats wrong with my choice ?

I know spiders are good for the garden. Then why are they in my house ? Do they have a death wish !

I find it Ironic that people travel all over the world on holiday yet have probably never walked further than 100 yards from their homes or the side of the road.

I think Gandalf is cool, Yoda just looks like an animated Bogey !

I am well known to be miserable bastard. Thats is a false alligation ! I just don't find most people that funny.

I think Goth chicks look rather nice, Now Japanese Goth chicks look fantastic, but it always is in the back of mind, that little niggly thought..... What the F**k
are they gonna look like in their 60's. Its a Horror story waiting to Happen !

I do have a sense of humour its just hard to find it sometimes !

The ones im not going to add

I being English understand America reasonably well, They are the only British colony that failed ! They are so insecure about this that they have to pat themselves
on the back at as often as possible , while they drag everybody else down to their level.

I have a theory why so many Australians go back packing and work in Bars across Europe and the world. Its a conspiracy, Australia wants to rule the world ......

I will not call Football Soccer! Football was played in England in one form or another. Hundreds of years before America was discovered (again) by Europeans. So USA can
call American football something else instead, like Rugby for Wimps !

I also find French animal rights Activists rather Bizarre. They shout and scream about Whales Dolphins being killed (rightly so) but they don't bat an eyelid when Their
Striking workers burn 200 sheep to death in a truck coming of the Ferry from England.

Zorba the Greek - Yolngu Style