Sunday, February 1, 2009

My own 25 random thoughts...

1. I once got my head stuck in a small washing machine, trying to reach for a hotdog

2. I am well known for falling asleep in strange places in an upright position. Just free standing. Eg, i once slept for two hours in an elevator, just riding it up and down as people called it to the various floors. The were apparently too polite to wake me.

3. I do think Samantha Haine Jensen has an accent. (Sorry Sam, but you do)

4. I think Pink Floyd, Bob Dillon, Elvis and the Beatles are all overrated

5. I believe baseball is cricket "the childs version"

6. Coffee in the evening is good, coffee at lunch is a luxury, but coffee in the morning is a must.

7. I have few goals in life of any note, but I'd love to arm wrestle Clint Eastwood

8. I think Yoda would kick Gandalf's butt in a fight

9. I love playing the digeridoo

10. I am currently learning to impersonate Michael Caine

11. I prefer walking to driving so I need to move closer to the shops

12. I strongly believe there are pots, pans and SAUCEPANS, not just pots and pans

13. I've been bitten 6 times by snakes, 3 times by spiders, never by a dog, and hope Angelina Jolie will one day give me a nibble

14. I cannot understand America

15. I'm patriotic, believe Australia is the best country on earth, although it does have its faults... it's too close to New Zealand.

16. I like cooking, washing up and vacuuming... seriously, I find them relaxing.

17. I have a nickname from my childhood that my family use, but none of you will EVER know

18. I don't like M&M's

19. I made a motorised BBQ for ease of moving it around my Mum's/Mom's yard. It's a big yard!

20. I have worn a suit only 3 times in my life, and hope to keep it that way

21. I can never find Wally

22. I have often been described as the most confident under achiever someone has ever met

23. I have loved, I have lost, I have found love again... and that's just looking for my beer at a party

24. I cannot go more than 30mins, even in the most serious of discussions, without finding some reason to laugh

25. I can't count past 25, so this list is just perfect for me

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